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BSc Geography with Environmental Mathematics(For students entering from September 2023 onwards)

Year 2

(Award available for year: Diploma of Higher Education)

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of Level 2, students should have provided evidence of:

Detailed factual knowledge, and a detailed mechanistic understanding, of selected geographical phenomena, including the roles of physical processes, and possibly also human processes, in determining the characteristics of the environment.

Using knowledge of the intellectual development of selected geographical concepts to identify valuable research questions.

A detailed appreciation of the practical contributions made by geographers to debates and policy on environmental and resource issues, and the environmental impacts of human activity, along with an understanding of their potential for continuing such contributions.

Application of relevant scientific ideas and theory to the identification and design of geographical investigation.

Competence with intermediate-level practical techniques in geographical investigation, including inferential statistics, geographic information systems, remote sensing, and field and/or laboratory work; and the ability to apply these techniques to answering intermediate-level geographical questions developed by the student.

Skills in individual work, teamwork, geographical investigation, presentation, communication and research design.

Advanced mathematical skills of use to understanding environmental processes; topics include the wave and diffusion equations, and the solution of differential equations using numerical (computational) methods.

Transferable (key) skills

All of the following areas are addressed at Level 2 (taught/practiced/assessed):

Qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment related to geography.

Skills necessary for the exercising of personal responsibility.

Skills in teamwork, geographical investigation, presentation, communication, project planning and problem solving.

Data analysis techniques (inferential statistics, geographical information systems and remote sensing).


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the module-level learning outcomes, as appropriate for the level of study, including:

Demonstrating the knowledge and application of standard concepts, information and techniques relevant to the discipline.

Work that covers a restricted area of the discipline.

Demonstrating emerging abilities, skills and competencies.


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