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BSc Philosophy and Physics(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 2

(Award available for year: Diploma of Higher Education)

Learning outcomes

On completion of level 2, you will be able to:
Philosophy LOs
1) Provide detailed explanations of ideas and debates from a wider range of philosophical areas of enquiry, concepts, theories and arguments
2) Apply more advanced skills to critically evaluate and identify different forms of philosophical argument
3) Identify connections between the two disciplines of Philosophy and Physics
4) Coherently develop, articulate and defend your own view on philosophical texts, arguments and ideas through complex arguments
Physics LOs
5) Demonstrate understanding and application of:
o Quantum Physics
o Statistical Mechanics
o Condensed Matter
6) Demonstrate a deeper understanding of the laws of nature, from the subatomic to the cosmic.
7) Use coding and mathematical tools to solve complex physics problems.
8) Undertake critical evaluation of information and rigorous analysis of data.

Skills Learning Outcomes
9) Communicate effectively in verbal, written and multimedia formats (Academic and Work Ready skill)
10) Produce complex summaries of ideas, arguments, information and/or data from a range of relevant sources
11) Evaluate the arguments and/or data of others and construct complex arguments of your own and/or generate new data (Academic and Work Ready skill)
12) Identify when, why and how to appropriately acknowledge someone else’s work and ideas (Academic and Work Ready skill)
13) Manage your time, prioritise tasks, organise academic and personal commitments effectively to meet deadlines (Academic and Work Ready Skill)
14) Work independently, and on own initiative (Academic and Work Ready skill)
15) Learn proactively and adopt effective learning strategies, including when/how to seek and use developmental feedback (Academic and Work Ready skill)
16) Collaborate with others and appreciate the challenges of such collaboration (Work Ready and Enterprise skill)
17) Think creatively to solve a problem and deploy complex problem-solving techniques (Work Ready and Enterprise skill).


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year. Assessment in philosophy will include essays, presentations, portfolios, research exercises, critical analyses, and text analysis. Assessment in physics will include coursework and open-notes examinations, optional experimental work and computational work.
There will be varied forms of unassessed formative exercises allowing students to make progress with the LOs and skills outside an assessment context. Opportunities for explicit discussion and support will continue to be made available by module leaders in office hours and in routine meetings with academic personal tutors.


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