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BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography(For students entering from September 2023 onwards)

Year 2

Learning outcomes

1. demonstrate a broad understanding of the concepts, information, practical competencies and techniques which are standard features in a range of aspects in developing their role in diagnostic radiography;
2. apply generic and subject specific intellectual qualities to standard situations outside the context in which they were originally studied;
3. identify and employ the main methods of enquiry in diagnostic radiography and critically evaluate the appropriateness of different methods of enquiry;
4. use a range of techniques to initiate and undertake the analysis of data and information;
5. reflect upon professional and disciplinary boundaries within a range of imaging environments;
6. effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms.
7. undertake routine imaging of body systems including extra-departmental radiography, CT and MRI procedures

Transferable (key) skills

1. qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment related to diagnostic radiography in a range of imaging modalities;
2. skills necessary for the exercising of personal responsibility;
3. the skills to be able to evaluate evidence-based practice and research


1. demonstrating the ability to apply a broad range of aspects/competencies of diagnostic radiography to complex, albeit standard, situations and simple, albeit novel or atypical, instances;
2. work that is often descriptive in nature but drawing on a wide variety of material;
3. demonstrating basic professional competencies relevant to diagnostic radiography;
4. the ability to evaluate and criticise received opinion.
5. work that covers a restricted area of the discipline, specifically routine imaging of body systems including extra-departmental radiography, CT and MRI procedures;
6. demonstrating emerging abilities, skills and competencies in complex areas of practice within diagnostic radiography


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