BSc Social and Political Sciences(For students entering from September 2023 onwards)
Year 3
(Award available for year: Bachelor of Science)
Learning outcomes
On completion of the year/programme students should have provided evidence of being able to: Understand and demonstrate coherent and detailed subject knowledge and professional competencies some of which will be informed by recent research/scholarship in the social and political sciences. Think critically/creatively, bringing together their training in reading and writing critically. Use standard tools of analysis and enquiry accurately when writing and thinking about the social and political sciences. Deploy a confident style of academic writing with clear knowledge of both referencing and academic integrity. Be able to engage in the latest debates (inclusive of those around ethical best practice) within social and political sciences in both research and scholarship. The ability to formulate and investigate questions inform by the social and political sciences and apply the theories, tools and techniques to complete an extended piece of work or engage in an applied project.
Transferable (key) skills
In addition to the skills gained in years one and two, students should develop the following skills (as well as developing those gained in year one and two): Critical Thinking Ethical awareness Working under pressure Interpersonal Skills Reflection Applying creativity and innovation Negotiation Skills Additional skills information: In level 3, you will make full use of the platform gained through your academic skill attainment developed during earlier years. You will deepen your understanding of critical reading and writing, thus consolidating the skill of critical thinking in a range of contexts and will be assessed on the skills relating to this as well as reflection on your practice to this point. You should be able to demonstrate an advanced competency in the main theories, concepts and studies that comprise the fields of social and political sciences. You will be professionally literate in much as you are confident as to the key requirements of the work place and/or further study; will have identified your strengths and areas for development in this area and know how to take advantage of future opportunities. You will approach the transition into graduate life with the belief that you have the skills, knowledge and mindset to successfully achieve your next step. You will make use of your digital skills throughout level 3, with opportunities to demonstrate your information, data and media literacies as well as your proficiency in using digital tools. You will develop your ability to apply creativity and innovation both by yourself and with others in a range of contexts, including online.
1. Demonstrating the ability to apply a broad range of aspects of the disciplines; 2. Work that draws upon a wide variety of critically engaged material (i.e. showing the ability to evaluate and criticise received opinion.) 3. Evidence of an ability to conduct independent, in depth enquiry within the disciplines; 4. Work that show evidence of critical thinking (typically both evaluative and creative).