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MA Social History of Art(Part-Time)

Year 1

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this programme you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the place of art and art history in relation to larger social and political configurations

2. Recognise and evaluate different methodologies and approaches in the study of art and art history

3. Carry out significant and sustained research on independently devised topics

Skills Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this programme you will have acquired the following skills:

1. Academic writing: the ability to write in a clear, concise, focused and structured manner that is supported by relevant evidence

2. Active learning: the ability to learn proactively and adopt effective learning strategies


Assessment takes varied forms, including different kinds of written assignment, presentations, group work, and innovative practice-led approaches. Our assessment is led by principles of relevance, fairness and inclusivity, and the development of vital skills beyond university, such as problem-solving, adaptability, self-reliance and reflexivity.

Mainly, the type of work you'll complete involves writing to a professional standard, in extended essays followed by a dissertation. Overall, assessment will ground you in the development of a broad range of skills in research, analysis and the expression of complex ideas – whether as preparation for doctoral study, work in the arts, or in a wide range of careers where these skills are in demand.


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