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MA in Business and Public Service Interpreting and Translation Studies

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Arts)

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate mastery of techniques for interpreting in business and public service interpreting scenarios;

2. Evaluate interpreting performances with the benefit of specialist knowledge of professional norms;

3. Take a proactive and self-reflective role in working and developing professional relationships with others

4. Perform in high-intensity scenarios;

5. Proactively formulate ideas and hypotheses and to develop, implement and execute plans by which to evaluate these;

6. Critically and creatively evaluate current issues, research and advanced scholarship in interpreting and translation studies.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. The skills necessary to undertake a higher research degree and for employment in a higher capacity in language services of national and international organisations

2. Evaluating their own achievement and that of others;

3. Self direction and effective decision making in complex and unpredictable situations;

4. critical engagement in the development of professional/disciplinary boundaries and norms.


For interpreting modules, live interpreting performance will be the primary means of assessment. For translation and other modules, students will be assessed using a wide range of methods. Translation tests are an important element, as are essays together with individual and team projects. The Interpreting Skills module is assessed though two commentaries of your own interpreting performance, each on a different mode interpreting (simultaneous and consecutive). 


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