MA Promotional Media-PT
Year 1
(Award available for year: Non Degree)
Learning outcomes
On completion of the programme, you will be able to:• interpret evidence about the role of promotional media and communication both in the past, and in contemporary society;• appraise and critically assess key debates and theories regarding promotional media and communication, particularly as they relate to questions of power, meaning, ethics, social impact and the public interest;• examine different forms of promotional communication, including branding, advertising, marketing and public relations, and their role in promotional industries and practices;• analyse promotional communication materials in relation to appropriate social and cultural contexts, using scholarly approaches covered in the programme;• design and author a significant research project on an aspect of promotional media and communication.Skills Learning OutcomesOn completion of the programme, you will be able to:• Apply effective written communication skills to present a sustained argument on an aspect of promotional media supported by relevant evidence from scholarship in this field;• Collaborate effectively as part of a team, working together to analyse promotional material in relation to academic debates and theories. • Demonstrate reflection on critical issues and ethical considerations in promotional industries and practices.
Assessment on the MA Promotional Media is varied and includes, but is not limited to, a group promotional campaign analysis, research essays, annotated bibliographies and a 12-12,500 word dissertation.