MA English Literature
Year 1
(Award available for year: Master of Arts)
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the MA English Literature, students should be able to:1. Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of Anglophone literary contexts, relating to aspects of place, time, culture and genre, and recognising landmark and cutting-edge scholarship2. Communicate knowledge about specialised literary topics, enabled in part through the research and writing process of the MA Research Project, and through the compulsory and three option modules take during the programme3. Explain the significance of their work through effective argumentation and the accurate implementation of key concepts and terminologySkills Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of the MA English Literature, students should be able to:1. Demonstrate the ability to work autonomously towards self-identified objectives, being able to manage their time and prioritise effectively2. Conduct advanced research independently, sourcing and selecting evidence from primary and secondary sources in pursuit of their identified questions and aims3. Communicate advanced skills in critical and reflective thinking using a range of formats including extended pieces of critical writing of between 4000 and 12,000 words
The compulsory semester one module provides a foundation for the Subject Specific and Skills Learning Outcomes, through assessments which develop knowledge and skills for independent postgraduate-level research. These skills are developed further through the compulsory Research Project module (60 credits, running from December until the following September), which requires skills in research, project design, communication and argumentation producing an extended piece of work. Assessment formats differ across the optional modules on the programme but similarly support the skills development in knowledge, critical thinking, autonomous research and project planning.