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MA Gender Studies

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Arts)

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate an advanced understanding of Gender Studies, its interdisciplinary frameworks and a range of theoretical perspectives and field-specific methodologies
2. Analyse and investigate social, cultural, historical and political phenomena through the lens of gender in a way that appreciates a range of disciplinary, transnational and intersectional perspectives
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which key issues within gender studies play out across different national and international contexts

Skills Learning Outcomes
This course will provide students with the skills necessary:
1. to undertake a higher research degree and/or for employment in a higher capacity in industry or area of professional practice;
2. to evaluate their own achievement and that of others in constructive ways;
3. to engage critically with theories, concepts and claims particularly in relation to gender;
4. to express ideas carefully and clearly across different formats;
5. to demonstrate self-direction and effective decision making in complex and unpredictable situations;
6. to engage in independent learning and the ability to work in a way which ensures continuing professional development.


Assessments will take multiple formats in order to meet the range of learning objectives and to incorporate active learning. For example, in addition to essays, students will also be assessed through a combination of group and individual tasks, including book reviews, presentations, a group podcast, and reflexive pieces.


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