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MA Modern History

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Arts)

Learning outcomes

1. Initiate, research, and complete an advanced level research project;

2. Analyse effectively key themes in the historiography and methodology of modern history;

3. Critically assess the main audiences for history outside of academia;

4. Apply public history techniques to the study of a chosen aspect of the past.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Conduct structured research enquiries that consist of setting tasks, and locating, synthesising and analysing evidence;  

2. Work independently, while engaging positively with supervision and guidance;  

3. Apply the technical skills to write and present a podcast;

4. Work collaboratively to produce a coherent presentation on a methodological aspect of public history.


The School of History uses a combination of different assessment methods to capture the range of ways that students learn on the programme. In the MA Modern assessment types across our compulsory and optional modules typically include: a dissertation, presentations, podcasts, and essays.


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