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MA Applied Translation Studies(Part-Time) (For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 1

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year/programme students should have provided evidence of being able to: 

1. Demonstrate in-depth, specialist knowledge and mastery of translation and localisation techniques and demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of concepts, information and techniques in translation theory and applied translation; 

2. Exhibit mastery in the translation and revision of a range of text types, and assessing translation quality, use of translation technologies, and the application of theoretical concepts in Translation Studies and improve their own translation performance. 

3. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to their own scholarship in the field of Translation Studies, particularly for those students opting for the Dissertation module as their summer project; 

4. Apply relevant techniques to their own translation practice, including advanced independent translation/terminology research skills, particularly for those students opting for the Extended Translations module as their summer project; 

5. Proactively formulate ideas and hypotheses and to develop, implement and execute plans by which to evaluate these; 

6. Critically and creatively evaluate current issues, research and advanced scholarship in Translation Studies, particularly for those students opting for the Dissertation module as their summer project. 

Skills Learning Outcomes
On completion of their programme, students will be able to:

1. Initiate and manage translation and localisation projects throughout its entire life cycle in a professional context;

2. Revise, edit, review multilingual documents and content in a wide variety of file formats;

3. Post-edit machine translation output to different degrees, including light and full post-editing;

4. Implement translation, project management, localisation and terminology management technologies and tools;

5. Conduct research in translation studies;

6. Evaluate translation quality and provide feedback for translation;

7. Conduct advanced QA procedures for translation and localisation projects.


Students be assessed using a wide range of methods. Translation tests are an important element, as are essays and individual and team projects. They will also be assessed on their individual summer project, which can be either two extended translation pieces or one short research project.


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