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MA Writing for Performance and Digital Media(Part-Time) (For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 2

(Award available for year: Master of Arts)

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate a critically and ethically informed writing and storytelling practices in the contexts of live and mediated performance.
2. Demonstrate specialist practical knowledge of form, genre and medium through developing scripts, performances and/or digital artefacts.
3. Locate personal creative practice in relation to broader trends and debates in industry practice and culture.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Develop strategies for creative experimentation in the context of writing for live and mediated performance.
2. Design and undertake an extended piece of research relevant to current debates in creative writing and cultural industries.
3. Produce creative writing suitable for presentation or further development in a relevant professional context.


Students are primarily assessed through creative practice. In each core module they are asked to define and design appropriate projects in relation to tutor feedback. Creative practice is supported by reflective statements – outlining the relationship between projects, industry practice and relevant critical/theoretical perspectives. In Narrative Perspectives in Practice students are also assessed via essay – encouraging them to connect issues in their creative practice to wider critical debates in the field. This assessment prepares them for the exploration of practice research in Independent Research Project.


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