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Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Leeds MBA)

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Business Admin)

Learning outcomes

By the end of this programme, participants should be able to:
1. Identify and implement knowledge-based solutions to complex management and organisational problems.
2. Think creatively and innovatively to develop and plan a new business venture.
3. Demonstrate global and cultural awareness in providing solutions to international business problems.
4. Demonstrate critical awareness of the need for clear, effective, and ethical leadership and decision making.
5. Critically evaluate current theoretical management frameworks and models.

Transferable (key) skills

1. Demonstrate the ability to communicate complex ideas and analysis to a diverse audience.
2. Work effectively in a team environment.
3. Show a high level of self-awareness and reflection and demonstrate the ability to identify and address personal and professional development needs.


The Leeds MBA uses various methods of assessment including assignments, exams, presentations, and project reports. There will be opportunities for formative feedback throughout the programme.


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