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MBiol, BSc Genetics (Integrated Masters)(For students entering from September 2024 onwards)

Year 3

(Award available for year: Bachelor of Science)

Learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate a sophisticated and integrated understanding of subject knowledge from across the broader field of genetics.
2. Appraise recent developments and hypotheses within the discipline of genetics, making use of scholarly reviews and primary sources, identifying uncertainly, ambiguity and limitations of knowledge.
3. Apply advanced analytical and data handling skills to critically evaluate information and experimental results and devise solutions to unfamiliar problems in genetics research.
4. Undertake aliterature review and project proposal, designing appropriate research strategies to test complex scientific questions in an area relevant to genetics.
5. Identify and implement health and safety, ethical regulations and environmental considerations through the completion of an extended project and other relevant contexts;

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Effectively explain, critique and propose ways in which biology and genetic researchers can contribute to developing sustainable solutions to current and future world challenges.
2. Effectively communicate and critique genetics information, ideas, problems and solutions in various formats and to a range of audiences
3. Demonstrate skills necessary for exercising personal responsibility, self-management, organisation and decision making in complex and unpredictable situations.
4. Demonstrate effective teamworking skills in a range of situations including inter-disciplinary contexts.


We use a variety of assessment methods to help you develop and assess the specific learning and skills outcomes. At level 3 these may include assessed practical work, involving safety competencies, advanced practical skills, complex data handling and statistics, together with problem-solving exercises, multiple-choice tests, group work, essays, project work and oral presentations. There will be opportunities to complete practice questions and receive feedback to support learning.


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