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MEng, BEng Architecture

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year/programme students should have provided evidence of being able to:

- Demonstrate a familiarity with the basic concepts, information, practical competencies and techniques which are standard features of Architecture and Civil Engineering;

- Understand aspects of core mathematics, science and engineering principles in the field of structures, geotechnics, fluids, materials and integrated design;

- Understand aspects of the principles of architecture;

- Use basic generic and subject specific intellectual qualities, i.e. be able to communicate the results of their work;

- Present a structured and coherent simple argument;

- Be able to interpret and evaluate the underlying concepts and principles of the discipline; evaluate qualitative and/or quantitative data;

- Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the appropriateness of different approaches to problem solving associated with the discipline;

- Appreciate their strengths and weaknesses as learners;

- Demonstrate an awareness of professional and disciplinary boundaries in Architecture and Civil Engineering;

In relation to design students should be able to:

- Demonstrate possession of the basic skills in communication by drawing and should be able to apply the basic rules of architectural and engineering drawing;

- Through integrated project work, demonstrate how subjects come together to provide the 'big picture' and through hands on experience gain an understanding of the design process, its lack, generally, of unique or 'best' answers;

- Understand the problem of choosing between a number of viable alternatives, requiring the balancing of advantages and disadvantages;

- Handle qualitative and quantitative data and hence balance safety against economy; demonstrate an appreciation of the history of the art and science of architecture and civil engineering, the forces that have shaped it and it influence on our culture;

- Demonstrate an appreciation of the impact of health and safety risk on the development of design proposals;

- Demonstrate an appreciation of the professional, organisational, cultural and legal frameworks within which design is carried out;

- Appreciate the impact that architecture and engineering have on sustainability, the environment and people's quality of life.

Transferable (key) skills

1. Creativity
2. Problem solving
3. Collaboration/Group working
4. Decision-making
5. Communication
6. Systems thinking
7. Technical skills (e.g. CAD/drawing/surveying/computational/lab)
8. Planning and Organisation/Time management


Students are assessed through a range of approaches, including assessments that directly build towards those tasks undertaken in a professional work environment. This will include assessment through project work and written examinations (both open and closed book), and through coursework in the form of reports, projects, presentations and posters. Assessments are designed to support students in developing key transferable skills. Submissions will be submitted digitally.


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