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MPhys, BSc Physics with Astrophysics

Year 4

(Award available for year: Master of Phys & Bach of Sc)

Learning outcomes

• A deep understanding and ability to solve problems in advanced and research topics in Physics and Astrophysics
• Think creatively to solve a problem or create new knowledge.
• Deploy complex problem solving techniques.
• Deepen your understanding of the laws of nature, from the subatomic to the cosmic.
• Ability to model problems and make estimations.
• Use coding and mathematical tools to solve physics problems.
• Undertake critical evaluation of information and rigorous analysis of data.
• Develop your professionalism, including communicating effectively in verbal, written and multimedia formats, and planning and completing work to deadlines.
• Work effectively as part of a team.
• Be enterprising and be able to identify and realise opportunities.
• Ability to evaluate your own strengths and identify areas for development.
• Undertake experimental work to make accurate measurements of physical phenomena
• Understand and use appropriate techniques to design experiments.
• Ability to apply appropriate methods for error analysis and statistical significance.
• Ability to direct your own research project under supervision.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Communication
2. Independence
3. Complex problem solving


A variety of assessment methods including formal exams, assignments, presentations and continuous assessment.


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