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MSc Global Supply Chain Management

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Science)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the programme students should have shown evidence of being able to:

LO1. Explain and critically analyse how global supply chains operate and being managed, and the environment in which they operate (PA1, PA2).

LO2. Critically evaluate, select and apply appropriate global supply chain management theories and frameworks in new and unfamiliar circumstances (PA1, PA2, PA4).

LO3. Critically explain arguments, judgements and decisions for addressing global supply chain issues through professional oral presentation (PA3, PA4, PA6).

LO4. Critically generate insights, and adapt and apply innovative solutions for solving global supply chain issues through writing with scholarly arguments (PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA6).

LO5. Define, design, execute and present a significant and academically extended piece of independent research (PA4).

LO6. Communicate and collaborate effectively in a multicultural and teamwork environment in addressing problems and challenges facing global supply chains (PA5).

LO7. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the implications of globalisation and practices in global supply chain management (PA1, PA6).

LO8. Critically identify and discuss solutions for the ethical and environmental issues that have emerged as a result of globalisation (PA6).

LO9. Reflect upon and critically evaluate individual performance strengths, weaknesses, and development needs drawing on personal reflection and student/academic input and demonstrate personal development (PA7).

Transferable (key) skills

Masters (Taught) students will have had the opportunity to acquire the following abilities as defined in the modules specified for the programme:

TS1: Analysis and critical thinking skills necessary to undertake a higher research degree and/or for employment in a higher capacity in industry/professional practice;

TS2: Self-reflection skills required for evaluating own achievement and that of others;

TS3: The ability to draw upon research, trends an in-depth/breadth of knowledge to solve problems and make effective decisions in a self-directed manner

TS4: The ability to learn independently and work in a way which ensures continuing professional development;

TS5: The ability to conduct research on global supply chain subjects and critically engage in the development of professional/disciplinary boundaries and norms of the subjects;

TS6: The ability to communicate effectively - oral and writing – individually and part of a team

TS7: Have ethical and cultural awareness


Achievement for the degree of Master (taught programme) will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will involve the achievement of the students in:
A1. Evidencing an ability to conduct independent in-depth enquiry within the discipline;

A2. Demonstrating the ability to apply breadth and/or depth of knowledge to the management of complex global supply chain issues;

A3. Drawing on a range of perspectives on an area related to global supply chain management;

A4. Evaluating and criticising received opinion;

A5. Make reasoned judgements whilst understanding the limitations on judgements made in the absence of complete data.


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