MSc Diagnostic Imaging (Medical Ultrasound)
Year 2
Learning outcomes
o demonstrate in-depth, extended, specialist knowledge of equipment and techniques relevant to a broad range of advanced practice in Medical Ultrasound; o demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of underpinning scientific, technical and professional principles/concepts informed by knowledge at the forefront of advanced practice in Medical Ultrasound; o critically appraise the need for imaging and image-guided investigations and procedures by synthesising clinical and other relevant information to inform Medical Ultrasound decision making; o apply in-depth specialist scientific, technical and professional knowledge, sophisticated psycho-motor skills and critical judgement and decision making behaviours related to the acquisition, interpretation and reporting of Medical Ultrasound examinations to standards that meet national and local quality criteria;o critically appraise and respond to each individual’s physical and psycho-social needs whilst undertaking Medical Ultrasound and image-guided investigations to standards that meet service and user / carer expectations;o critically evaluate diagnostic imaging examinations for technical and diagnostic quality;o take a proactive role in the development of Medical Ultrasound practice and critically reflect on professional and social learning relationships within multidisciplinary clinical teams;o critically evaluate current issues and research related to Medical Ultrasound practice and its role in the diagnosis and management of disease;o demonstrate a specialist in-depth understanding of techniques applicable to enquiry based scholarship within the context of Medical Ultrasound.
Transferable (key) skills
o The programme delivers a high quality, research-led educational experience in order to develop highly competent practitioners who contribute positively across a wide range of Medical Ultrasound healthcare service provision. o On completion of this programme the student will have in depth specialist clinical and scientific knowledge related to a range of Medical Ultrasound applications and an understanding of the evidence and research base of the discipline. o The student broadens and extends their specialist clinical expertise with further practical experience and additional underpinning in-depth theoretical knowledge in Medical Ultrasound.
o The assessment methods have been carefully chosen to develop the skills that imaging students will utilise in specialist and/or advanced clinical practice in Medical Ultrasound. o Written unseen or open book exams/practical reports/case reports/presentations/essayso The assessment of competence to practice is via an observed clinical session, performance audit or by portfolio, depending on the module