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MSc Food Science

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Science)

Learning outcomes

1.Develop an awareness of food legislation and understanding of the links between food production and sustainability, including originality in tackling and solving global sustainable food systems challenges.
2. Develop an appreciation of the fundamental relationship between chemical reactions at a molecular level and food microstructure, their measurement and the effect of food processing on food structure and composition, safety, and nutritional aspects of food.
3. Demonstratea multidisciplinary scientific approach towards solving food product design challenges by applying appropriate procedures and scientific techniques.
4. Develop key skills for collecting, analysing, interpreting and presenting data within a clearly defined context and audience, including the use of digital tools where appropriate.
5. Demonstrate self-direction and an aptitude for reflective, life-long learning for the continued advancement of knowledge, understanding, and skills development within fields of food science.
6. Demonstrate ethical and professional practice by being aware of and upholding professional standards in food science.
7. Develop a fundamental understanding of food colloids, quantification techniques and their uses in food and appreciate how mathematical or digital tools may be used to model such systems.

Skills Learning Outcomes
Students will have had the opportunity to acquire skills in the following categories, as defined in the modules specified for the programme:
1. Work Ready Skills: Through the modules assessments and coursework, students will develop key skills including time management, planning and organisation, collaboration teamwork, problem solving and problem solving and analytical skills, leadership, creativity, communication and decision making.
2. Academic Skills: The programme design through the different modules and assessments would enable to student to develop key academic skills in critical thinking, reflection, presentations skills, ethics, and time management.
3. Digital Skills: Student will develop key skills in digital creation, problem-solving and innovation, Information, data and media literacies , and digital communication, collaboration and participation
4. Sustainability Skills – student will develop skills in integrated problem solving, Systems thinking and collaboration


A variety of traditional and authentic formative and summative assessment approaches are used to support learning and progression through the course, measure attainment of the learning outcomes and develop skills. Assessments are designed to reflect real-world needs and challenges encountered in the workplace, while accommodating the various learning styles and embedding equitable and inclusive practices to ensure a supportive and fair assessment framework is presented. As such, assessments range in format and may include, for example, report writing, mini critical review and oral and visual presentation. In so doing, skills attained would include, for example, communication, problem solving, critical thinking, and team working, in addition to the core technical skills specific to your degree. In addition, you'll have the opportunity to select your own research area and develop an individual research project.
Throughout the course, you'll receive formative feedback, which will provide an opportunity to think critically and reflect on your performance, as you progress and learn.


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