MSc Physician Associate Studies(Not recruiting in 2025/26)
Year 1
(Award available for year: Postgraduate Certificate)
Learning outcomes
The PG Certificate in Clinical Studies is mapped to the specific areas of the Competence and Curriculum Framework for the Physician Assistant 2012. On completion of the programme students should have shown evidence of being able to demonstrate in-depth and specialist knowledge of clinical practice, including communication skills, practical examination skills and ethical codes of conduct relevant to a Physician Associate, as defined by the Clinical Competency Framework; • to critically evaluate current issues and research relevant to the field of practice as a Physician Associate.• to form a hypothesis regarding diagnosis having taken a history and completed a routine physical examination • to work with patients and, where appropriate, carers to agree a shared management plan in light of the individual characteristics, background and circumstances of the patient • to demonstrate a range of basic practical skills and procedural skills in a simulation environment• to demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of prescribing• to take a proactive role in developing a professional identity as a Physician Associate, developing relationships within a multi disciplinary team, showing evidence of reflective practice under supervision
Transferable (key) skills
Masters (Taught), Postgraduate Diploma & Postgraduate Certificate students will have had the opportunity to acquire the following abilities as defined in the modules specified for the programme:• the skills necessary to undertake a higher research degree and/or for employment in a higher capacity in industry or area of professional practice;• evaluating their own achievement and that of others;• self-direction and effective decision making in complex and unpredictable situations;• independent learning and the ability to work in a way which ensures continuing professional development;• critically to engage in the development of professional/disciplinary boundaries and norms.
Achievement for the Postgraduate Certificate will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the programme and will involve the achievement of the students in:• Formative assessment including contribution to taught sessions, the completion of on line learning, the submission of draft work, reflective writing, practice MCQs & EMQs, simulation sessions, and workplace based assessment• Summative assessment will include written exams, OSCE, case studies, project work and completion of skills portfolio