MSc Physician Associate Studies(Not recruiting in 2025/26)
Year 2
(Award available for year: Master of Science)
Learning outcomes
The PG Diploma in Physician Associate Studies is mapped to the Competence and Curriculum Framework for the Physician Associate 2012. Competence is defined within a professional context as ‘the broad ability with which a professional person is able to practise to the required standards in a predetermined range of clinical fields and across a range of situations. This broad definition includes attributes that can be applied, clinical performance (Stuart 2003), and the use of professional judgment (Carr 1993). More specifically, in the medical context, a newly qualified PA must be able to perform their clinical work at the same standard as a newly qualified doctor. This principle is based on the moral requirement that patients are entitled to first-class treatment which is not endangered by the involvement of new practitioners and the principle underpins the setting of a national examination and the close involvement of experienced doctors in teaching and assessing Physician Associates’On completion of the programme students should have shown evidence of being able to demonstrate in-depth and specialist knowledge of clinical practice, including communication skills, practical examination skills and ethical codes of conduct relevant to a Physician Associate, as defined by the Clinical Competency Framework; • to proactively to formulate clinical management plans and to evaluate these in supervised practice• to critically evaluate current issues and research relevant to the field of practice as a Physician Associate.• to formulate and document a detailed differential diagnosis having taken a history and completed a physical examination • to work with patients and, where appropriate, carers to agree a comprehensive management plan in light of the individual characteristics, background and circumstances of the patient • to maintain and deliver clinical management in collaboration with the patient and on behalf of the supervising physician whilst the patient travels through a complete episode of care • to perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and prescribe medications (subject to the necessary legislation) • to request and interpret diagnostic studies and undertake patient education, counselling and health promotion• to take a proactive role in developing a professional identity as a Physician Associate, developing relationships within a multi-disciplinary team, showing evidence of reflective practice under supervisionFor the Masters degree:
Transferable (key) skills
Masters (Taught), Postgraduate Diploma & Postgraduate Certificate students will have had the opportunity to acquire the following abilities as defined in the modules specified for the programme:• the skills necessary to undertake a higher research degree and/or for employment in a higher capacity in industry or area of professional practice;• evaluating their own achievement and that of others;• self-direction and effective decision making in complex and unpredictable situations;• independent learning and the ability to work in a way which ensures continuing professional development;• critically to engage in the development of professional/disciplinary boundaries and norms. • Critical thinking• Independent working• Ability to work as an effective member of a team• Time management, planning and organisation• Ethical awareness• Self-awareness • Ability to reflect • Ability to critically evaluate literature in the field• Critical engagement in the development of a professional identitySpecialist skills• Consultation and communication skills• Ability to work in a multi-disciplinary setting, observing professional boundaries• Ability to conduct a research, service evaluation or audit project• Clinical skills appropriate to the practice
Achievement for the Postgraduate Diploma will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the programme and will involve the achievement of the students in:• demonstrating the ability to apply breadth and/or depth of knowledge to a complex specialist area;• drawing on a range of perspectives on an area of study;• evaluating received opinion;• make sound judgements whilst understanding the limitations on judgements made in the absence of complete data. Achievement for the Postgraduate Diploma will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the programme and will involve the achievement of the students in:• Formative assessment including contribution to taught sessions, the completion of on line learning, the submission of draft work, reflective writing, practice MCQs & EMQs, simulation sessions, and workplace based assessment• Summative assessment will include written exams, OSCE, case studies, project work and completion of skills portfolio