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MSc Transport Planning and the Environment(Part-time 24month)

Year 2

(Award available for year: Master of Science)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the programme students should have shown evidence of being able to:
- understand the links between transport and the environment;
- demonstrate in-depth knowledge and the ability to apply and critique a range of core transport planning skills to different practical problems;
- recognise and be able to overcome the specific challenges of integrating environmental and transport related data;
- demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and mastery of techniques related to the design and analysis of solutions to environmentally focussed transport problems;
- take a proactive and self-reflective role in working and to develop professional relationships with others;
- critically and creatively evaluate current issues, research and advanced scholarship in the discipline;
- Work effectively in interdisciplinary teams on cases and problems relating to environmental problems in transport.
- design and conduct an independent research study on a topic related to transport and the environment.

Transferable (key) skills

The key skills that students will develop through the programme are highly relevant to a range of employment opportunities:
- being able to translate policy principles into practice;
- being able to understand the limitations and constraints of policies;
- being able to access up to date resources in an area and process them;
- to understand key data requirements and collection processes;
- to be able to communicate confidently through written work and in oral presentations;
- to recognise and become familiar with key modelling/computing advances which support environmental analysis.


The learning outcomes for the programme have been designed in conjunction with the learning outcomes of the modules. Each module comprises a balance of assessment of understanding of core principles, critique of practice and demonstration of the ability to conduct key tasks. Importantly, the process of assessment takes a balanced approach to assessing both the learning outcomes and the achievement of the key skills portfolio outlined.


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