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MSc (Eng) Engineering Project Management

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Science (Eng))

Learning outcomes

1. Critical understanding of key project management concepts, their evaluation and application to construction engineering projects.

2. Critically evaluate the bi-directional link between projects and sustainability agenda for the project organization.

3. Understanding of the critical role of project management tools and techniques for the effective delivery of work on construction and engineering projects and the rationale for their use.

4. Evaluating and differentiating a wide range of operations, models, practice methodologies (processes, heuristics, tools, techniques) and their application in construction/engineering project management today.

5. Develop knowledge and understanding of the principles of risk management, resilience and crises as applied to engineering and construction projects.

6. Critically evaluate sources of risk, causes of risks and mitigation measures.

7. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of teamworking and leadership approaches, taking into account the complexities of the project setting and develop strategies for improvement.

8. Critically evaluate the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement approaches, taking into account the complexities of the project setting and develop strategies for improvement.

9. Appraise current problems by critically engaging with other people’s work and diverse sources of information, including key theories of the academic discipline.

10. Evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in the discipline.

11. Distinguish and critique project management methodologies

12. Appraise the role of projects in strategy delivery in the organisational context

13. Demonstrate understanding of the wider context, landscape and drivers for innovations in project management.

14. Evaluate the opportunities and challenges innovations present in terms of value creation.

15. Apply a systems perspective to projects within organisations

16. Develop an integrated project plan considering the choices to be made when selecting the size, structure and content.

17. Apply multidisciplinary knowledge - (demonstrate the ability to integrate subject-specific knowledge, effectively applying this diverse knowledge base to make informed decisions within the simulated project environment)

18. Evaluate the impact of decision-making - (develop the skills to assess the consequences of various decision-making strategies on project variables and outcomes.

Skills Learning Outcomes

1. Critical thinking - the ability to weigh up different arguments and perspectives, using supporting evidence to form opinions, arguments, theories and ideas.

2. Ethics - The ability to understand the moral principles that govern a person's behaviour or the conducting of an activity in any given context.

1. Information, data and media literacies - The ability to find, evaluate, organise and share information across a variety of formats and media, ensuring the reliability and integrity both of the sources that you use and of the ideas that they help you to generate.

2. The ability to communicate and collaborate constructively and professionally with peers using digital tools and networks in order to share ideas, to produce research, materials and resources, and to engage in online dialogue and debate

1. Systems thinking - Recognises and understands relationships; analyses complex systems (environmental, economic and social systems and interdependencies across these); considers how systems are embedded within different domains and scales; deals with uncertainty; uses analytical thinking.


Assessment for the MSc will involve a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and may include written examinations, in-class and online tests, assignments and coursework in the form of projects, reports, presentations and posters.


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