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PGCert Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy

Year 1

(Award available for year: Postgraduate Certificate)

Learning outcomes

1. Contextualise the emerging field of Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy and situate it within and alongside relevant theoretical models and policy frameworks
2. Discuss and critique appropriate theories from Arts Management, Fundraising, Cultural Leadership, Cultural Entrepreneurship, Change Management and Resilience, and apply them to the field of Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy.
3. Identify and articulate the challenges faced by contemporary arts leaders and critically explore the artistic, social, business and policy drivers which contextualise arts organizations’ mission development and delivery.
4. Apply qualitative methods to research a chosen issue/ problem/ project area.
5. Demonstrate a sound theoretical understanding of the theoretical context of the chosen issue/ problem/ project area.
6. Apply change management models, concepts and principles to effect a positive outcome.

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Analysis of fundraising practice and the strategic context within the student’s primary workplace.
2. Critical assessment of contemporary issues affecting cultural sector fundraising.
3. Delivery of an effective and engaging oral/visual presentation.
4. Write academically in a focused and structured manner, evidencing critical thinking.
5. Delivery, assessment and communication of the process of driving strategic change in the workplace.
6. Assessment of participant’s own strengths and development needs, with employment of reflective techniques to navigate challenges and opportunities.


Assessment takes place via an individual presentation and essay (for module 5701M) and an extended reflective work-based learning report (for 5702M). These are focused on the skills learning outcomes, demonstrating evidence based situational analysis of fundraising strategy in the student’s own workplace (presentation), demonstration of critical engagement with broader sectoral issues and trends (essay) and evidencing outcomes from reflective practice and change management processes in professional practice and career development (reflective learning report).


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