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PGCert Clinical Education

Year 1

(Award available for year: Postgraduate Certificate)

Learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes MEd Year 1: Postgraduate Certificate Clinical Education
On completion of year 1 of the MEd Clinical Education programme students should have provided evidence of being able to:
1. Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of the design, delivery, assessment and evaluation of learning and teaching in clinical settings and higher education
2. Demonstrate independence in applying this knowledge in practice and synthesis of educational knowledge to clinical research and practice in healthcare settings
3. Take a proactive and self-reflective role as educators in the clinical setting and higher education to evaluate their own professional practice and that of others
4. Explore and develop opportunities for inter-professional education and understanding of other professional roles
5. Critically evaluate current issues and research and their relevance to learning and teaching in the clinical context

Transferable (key) skills

Masters (taught), Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate Certificate students will have had the opportunity to acquire the following abilities, as defined in the modules specified for the programme:
1. Insight into the essential skills for postgraduate level study, including IT skills, literature searching, assignment planning, academic writing, critical reading and group working
2. Evaluate received opinion about established and new developments teaching and learning in healthcare and clinical education
3. Demonstrate competence and skill in designing, reviewing, delivering and managing clinical education programmes
4. Evaluating their own achievement and that of others
5. Inter-professional working and learning
6. Networking
7. Enhanced skills in learning and working in a digital age
8. Enhanced written and verbal communication skills
9. Demonstrate in depth understanding of the skills and tools required to undertake a piece of research into clinical education
10. Communication skills in relation to collaborative research design and evaluation and the capacity to articulate research ideas and work in progress to peers and colleagues
11. Promote learning across and within healthcare and health-care related professions, e.g. pharmacist technicians and pharmacists; pharmacists, paramedics, nurses and doctors
12. Skills necessary to undertake research at a higher level to prepare them for a future career as either a researcher or as an advocate of research-led work in clinical education
13. Self-direction and effective decision making in complex and unpredictable situations relating to clinical education research
14. Independent learning and the ability to work in a way which ensures continuing professional development as a clinical educator


Achievement for the Year 1 (Postgraduate Certificate) Clinical Education will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the programme.


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