PGCert Religion
Year 1
(Award available for year: Postgraduate Certificate)
Learning outcomes
On completion of the programme, students will be able to: Subject Specific Learning Outcomes 1- Critically analyse, with in-depth specialist knowledge, the relationship between religions and social, cultural or political issues. 2- Formulate their own ideas and hypotheses, while reflecting critically on their own standpoint Skills Learning Outcomes 3- Communicate ideas in a clear, concise, focused and structured way, in language tailored to their audience (Academic and Work Ready Skill) 4- Locate, evaluate and use appropriate and relevant sources to strengthen the quality of academic work and independent research (Academic, Work Ready and Enterprise Skill) 5- Interpret and synthesise a range of disciplinary perspectives to analyse religious phenomena (Academic and Work Ready Skill) 6- Identify when, why and how to appropriately acknowledge someone else’s work and ideas (Academic and Work Ready Skill) 7- Identify ethical questions and use ethical frameworks to assess the impacts and ethical effects of actions/decisions (Academic and Sustainability skill)
Students will be assessed on the learning outcomes for each module, which will satisfy the learning outcomes for the programme over the entirety of the course regardless of the choices of optional modules. The forms of assessment will differ across modules but will typically be conducted through written assignments and oral presentations. Academic support will be provided through unassessed formative exercises and consultation opportunities with module leaders and academic personal tutors.