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PG Dip Deaf Education (Teacher of the Deaf Qualification).

Year 2

Learning outcomes

On completion of the programme, and in order to be able to meet the requirements of the Mandatory Qualification for Teacher of the Deaf, students will have shown evidence of being able:

- to demonstrate in-depth, extended or specialist knowledge of techniques relevant to the discipline or to demonstrate an advanced understanding of concepts, information and techniques informed by knowledge at the forefront of the discipline across the five compulsory modules contents;

- to exhibit competence in the exercise of advanced, generic and subject-specific intellectual abilities;

- to demonstrate an advanced understanding of techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship;

- to take a proactive and self-reflective role in working and to develop professional relationships with others;

- proactively to formulate ideas and hypotheses and to evaluate these;

- to evaluate critically current issues and research in the discipline.


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