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PGDip Music and Wellbeing

Year 1

(Award available for year: Postgraduate Diploma)

Learning outcomes

1. Assess the relationship between music and wellbeing through critical discussion of relevant literature, including theoretical and empirical sources
2. Evaluate different forms of evidence of the relationship between music and wellbeing
3. Reflect on and situate your personal/professional experience within the broader landscape of music for wellbeing provision
4. Identify key methodological and ethical challenges of music and wellbeing research and practice

Skills Learning Outcomes
1. Design and implement independent research projects, using quantitative and/or qualitative research approaches in accordance with guidance for ethical research conduct
2. Analyse data and critically reflect on the research process to draw meaningful conclusions
3. Develop, support and communicate extended arguments
4. Evaluate the impact of music activities and interventions on wellbeing in a contextually sensitive fashion
5. Promote music and wellbeing project ideas to stakeholders such as community organisations
6.Formulate funding proposals to support music and wellbeing activity


We use a variety of assessment methods, each of which is chosen to best measure your achievement of a module’s learning outcomes and associated skills, so you and we can understand and support your progress and development. Across your course you are likely to encounter a mix of written assignments (e.g. essays, reports, reviews, reflective logs), presentations, and online assessments. Some assignments will be completed individually, some collaboratively, and some may require elements of group working leading to individual submissions. You might be given a brief, question or problem to be addressed, or you may have scope to determine your own question or approach under the guidance of a member of staff. You’ll be given clear instructions regarding the assessment requirements and criteria, and you’ll receive feedback on your work to support your learning as you progress through your course. Assessments will usually require you to synthesise and evaluate learning from multiple taught sessions and learning resources (e.g. a module’s lectures, seminars, set readings and other online resources), and you should think of your course as a whole, and apply your learning across your modules. In all cases we encourage you to challenge yourself, to think critically and creatively, to move as far beyond your comfort zone as you can, and to reflect on your working process and achievement. Our assessments are designed to be fair and inclusive, to engage you intellectually and to help prepare you for life beyond University through the development of relevant skills, knowledge and experience.


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