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BA Modern Languages and International Relations (Italian)

Year 4

(Award available for year: Bachelor of Arts)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year students should have provided evidence of being able to:

Research Skills:
- Produce an autonomous piece of extended research work (the Final-Year Project), responding to guidance and feedback from a supervisor
- Present a structured, sustained argument, and communicate using terminology and concepts appropriate to the field(s) of study
- Evaluate and critically synthesize aspects of recent enquiry in the field(s) of study
- Reflect on, and work in accordance with, the ethical considerations raised in the research process

Language Skills and Intercultural Awareness:
- Communicate fluently and appropriately, maintaining high degree of grammatical accuracy, in the target language
- Demonstrate a consolidated and extended knowledge and understanding of complex structures and registers of the target language
- Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and an ability to see the world's societies and cultures from multiple perspectives
- Show advanced engagement with multiple genres to support effective work and functioning in another country

Subject Knowledge:
- Show a broad understanding and cultural awareness of societies in which the target language is spoken
- Demonstrate depth of engagement with specific aspects of literatures and social and historical issues pertaining in the cultures in which the target language is spoken
- Make use of specialist knowledge to engage critically with current debates in the field(s) of study
- Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the origins and evolution of the international political system, including international institutions and contemporary changes underway
- Understand the nature and significance of politics as a global activity
- Demonstrate a solid knowledge of the recent International Relations scholarship and an ability to critically engage with it
- Appreciate the uncertainty of and limits to knowledge in the International Relations discipline
- Demonstrate a solid grasp of the key International Relations concepts
- Apply concepts, theories and methods used in the study of International Relations to the analysis of political ideas, practices and issues in the global arena
- Evaluate different interpretations of world political events and issues

Transferable (key) skills

Students will have had the opportunity to acquire, as defined in the modules specified for the programme:

- The transferable/key/generic skills necessary for employment related to the area(s) studied
- The exercise of initiative and personal responsibility
- The deployment of decision making skills in complex and unpredictable situations
- The communication of information, ideas, problems and solutions in a variety of ways to a variety of audiences
- The ability to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include:

- Demonstrating the ability to apply a broad range of aspects of the discipline/s
- Work that draws on a wide variety of material
- The ability to evaluate and criticise received opinion
- Evidence of an ability to conduct independent, in depth enquiry within the discipline/s
- Work that is typically both evaluative and creative


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