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BA Modern Languages and History (Portuguese)

Year 4

(Award available for year: Bachelor of Arts)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year students should have provided evidence of being able to:

Research Skills:
- Produce an autonomous piece of extended research work (the Final-Year Project), responding to guidance and feedback from a supervisor
- Present a structured, sustained argument, and communicate using terminology and concepts appropriate to the field(s) of study
- Evaluate and critically synthesize aspects of recent enquiry in the field(s) of study
- Reflect on, and work in accordance with, the ethical considerations raised in the research process

Language Skills and Intercultural Awareness:
- Communicate fluently and appropriately, maintaining high degree of grammatical accuracy, in the target language
- Demonstrate a consolidated and extended knowledge and understanding of complex structures and registers of the target language
- Demonstrate cultural sensitivity and an ability to see the world's societies and cultures from multiple perspectives
- Show advanced engagement with multiple genres to support effective work and functioning in another country

Subject Knowledge:
- Show a broad understanding and cultural awareness of societies in which the target language is spoken
- Demonstrate depth of engagement with specific aspects of literatures and social and historical issues pertaining in the cultures in which the target language is spoken
- Make use of specialist knowledge to engage critically with current debates in the field(s) of study

On completion of the year/programme students should have:
- a demonstrably coherent and detailed knowledge at an advanced-level of how people have existed, acted and thought in a range of societies and cultures (hbp #12.1 and 17)
- a demonstrably coherent and detailed knowledge at an advanced-level of techniques for close and critical work on sources, both primary and/or secondary (hbp #18)
- a demonstrably coherent and detailed knowledge at an advanced-level of chronological continuity and change (hbp #16);
- a demonstrably coherent and detailed knowledge at an advanced-level of recent historical scholarship in their chosen historical specialism[s]
- the ability to apply advanced critical and empathetic reading and use of texts, or other source materials, in their chosen historical specialism[s] (hbp 12.2)
- an advanced critical appreciation of the complexity and diversity of past cultures, acquired through detailed study of their chosen historical specialism[s] (hb 12.3)
- an advanced critical appreciation of the problematic nature of historical interpretation and evidence, acquired through detailed study of their chosen historical specialism[s]
- Advanced skills of critical evaluation of historical evidence applied through detailed study of their chosen historical specialism[s]
- An advanced ability to communicate the results of their work in order to extend the knowledge of their audience/readers
- An advanced ability to evaluate historical evidence in detail, applied to the study of their chosen historical specialism[s]
- robust intellectual independence, enhanced by insightful reflection on detailed scholar-ship and personal research relating to their chosen historical specialism[s] (hbp12.6)
- a well-developed capacity to understand, reflect upon and evaluate the appropriateness of some of the different approaches to history (e.g. social history, economic history, political history, cultural history, landscape history etc.) (hbp # 20)
- A proven ability critically to evaluate a wide range of qualitative and/or quantitative data, appropriate to the advanced study of their chosen historical specialism[s]
- the ability to appreciate, employ and critically evaluate the approaches appropriate to the study of their chosen historical specialism[s] (hbp #20).
- the ability to apply critically a range of techniques and approaches to analyse data and information, appropriate to the advanced study of their chosen historical specialism[s]
- An advanced appreciation of the uncertainty, amb

Transferable (key) skills

Students will have had the opportunity to acquire, as defined in the modules specified for the programme:

- The transferable/key/generic skills necessary for employment related to the area(s) studied
- The exercise of initiative and personal responsibility
- The deployment of decision making skills in complex and unpredictable situations
- The communication of information, ideas, problems and solutions in a variety of ways to a variety of audiences
- The ability to undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature


Achievement will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will include:

- Demonstrating the ability to apply a broad range of aspects of the discipline/s
- Work that draws on a wide variety of material
- The ability to evaluate and criticise received opinion
- Evidence of an ability to conduct independent, in depth enquiry within the discipline/s
- Work that is typically both evaluative and creative


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