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MA Global Ethical Challenges

Year 1

(Award available for year: Master of Arts)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year/programme students should have provided evidence of being able to:

1. Understand in depth of some of the key concepts, issues, debates, and approaches in contemporary moral and political philosophy.

2. Apply this theoretical knowledge and understanding in such a way as to make sense of specific global challenges, both orally and in writing.

3. Put into practice advanced analytical skills in making sense of and criticising discipline-specific key texts (e.g. in philosophy, political science, social policy or religious studies).

4. Demonstrate an understanding of different discipline’s perspectives and/or the ability to combine the different perspectives, and to apply them to relevant questions and issues.

5. Demonstrate advanced analytical skills when critically discussing texts and topics orally in seminars.

6. Present in writing clear, cogent, sustained arguments, based on relevant research.

7. Design a dissertation project and, in the writing of it, demonstrate the ability to achieve a level of analysis appropriate for a sustained, long-form piece of writing.

Transferable (key) skills

• Analysing and criticising arguments and theories clearly and incisively.
• Thinking through complex questions with independence of mind.
• Arguing for a position and expressing this argument effectively both in writing and orally.
• Organising their own time effectively.
• Evaluating their own achievement and that of others.
• Self-direction and effective decision-making with regard to complex intellectual problems.
• Independent learning and the ability to work in a way which ensures continuing professional development.


• Assessed essays.
• Oral presentations.
• Dissertation.
• Reflective log and project (in the optional External Placement module)


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