BA Sociology
Year 1
(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)
Learning outcomes
On completion of the year, students should be able to: - understand how sociological ideas are constructed, and be familiar with the contexts in which arguments and theories are formed; - describe and evaluate some of the key approaches and methods within sociology; - present structured and coherent sociological arguments in both written and verbal formats; - critically reflect on taken for granted assumptions about the social world; - articulate the relationship between individuals, groups and social institutions.
Transferable (key) skills
Critical Reading Referencing Information, Data and Media Literacies Digital Learning and Development Teamwork/Collaboration Active Learning Academic integrity Information Searching
1. Demonstrating the knowledge and application of standard concepts, information and techniques relevant to the discipline; 2. Work that covers a restricted area of the disciplines; 3. Demonstrating emerging abilities, skills and competencies especially with regards to critical reading