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BA Sociology

Year 1

(Award available for year: Certificate of Higher Educ)

Learning outcomes

On completion of the year, students should be able to:

- understand how sociological ideas are constructed, and be familiar with the contexts in which arguments and theories are formed;

- describe and evaluate some of the key approaches and methods within sociology;

- present structured and coherent sociological arguments in both written and verbal formats;

- critically reflect on taken for granted assumptions about the social world;

- articulate the relationship between individuals, groups and social institutions.

Transferable (key) skills

Critical Reading


Information, Data and Media Literacies

Digital Learning and Development


Active Learning

Academic integrity

Information Searching


1. Demonstrating the knowledge and application of standard concepts, information and techniques relevant to the discipline;

2. Work that covers a restricted area of the disciplines;

3. Demonstrating emerging abilities, skills and competencies especially with regards to critical reading


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