MA Human Resource Management
Year 1
(Award available for year: Master of Arts)
Learning outcomes
Our students will be able to:i. Identify, describe and critically appraise important theories, models and prescriptions within the field of HRM. (PA 1,3)ii. Critically engage with current issues, research and scholarship in the field of HRM. (PA 1, 3)iii. Be able to identify, describe and evaluate shifts and transformations in the global economy and place their knowledge of HRM theories, policies and practice within global and local contexts (PA2,3)iv. Be able to manipulate and interpret HRM data using both quantitative and qualitative methods (PA4)v. Be able to apply ethically sound research practice to researching HRM issues. (PA4)vi. Be able to produce a high quality independent piece of research on an HR issue (PA4)vii. Deliver professional quality presentations on HRM issues (PA5)viii. Produce professional quality business reports and documents (PA5)ix. Be able to formulate plans for their personal and professional development (PA5)x. Be able to work effectively as part of a team (PA5)xi. Be able to reflect on cross-cultural communication issues and consider appropriate solutions (PA5)
Transferable (key) skills
Graduates of this programme will be able to evidence learning of the following transferable skills and attributes, as defined in the programme aims and programme learning outcomes:- Cognitive skills of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis- Effective problem solving and decision-making, especially in HRM settings- Effective communication, oral and in writing- Numeracy and quantitative skills including data analysis, interpretation andextrapolation - Effective use of communication and information technology for business applications- Effective performance, within a team environment- Ability to conduct research into HRM issues- Self reflection and criticality including openness and sensitivity to diversity in terms of people, cultures, business and management issues. - Ethical awareness
Achievement for the degree of Master (taught programme) will be assessed by a variety of methods in accordance with the learning outcomes of the modules specified for the year/programme and will involve the achievement of the students in:- evidencing an ability to conduct independent in-depth enquiry within the discipline;- demonstrating the ability to apply breadth and/or depth of knowledge to a complex specialist area;- drawing on a range of perspectives on an area of study;- evaluating and criticising received opinion;- making reasoned judgements whilst understanding the limitations on judgements made in the absence of complete data.