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2022/23 Selected Undergraduate Module Index

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Contact:Helen Burne
d = discovery module
skd = skills discovery module
isa = available for incoming Study Abroad
isadFOAH1100Creative Africas: Culture and the Arts in Modern Africa

School of History

Contact:Helen Burne
  HIST1000Exploring History
isadHIST1060Faith, Knowledge and Power, 1500-1750
isa HIST1310The Medieval World in Ten Objects
isa HIST1320Medieval Lives: Identities, Cultures and Beliefs
isa HIST1510Global Empires
isa HIST1520Global Decolonization
isa HIST1530The Making of the Twentieth Century
  HIST1817Skills and Concepts in International History
  HIST1819International History, 1919-1989: Conflict, Co-operation and Change
  HIST1840Consensus and Contention: Investigations in International History
isa HIST2015Australia and the World
isadHIST2030The Crusades and the Crusader States in the 12th Century
isa HIST2040History Wars: The Politics of the Past in Contemporary Europe
isadHIST2045Transformations of the Roman World
isa HIST2050Material Legacies: Objects and British Cultural Heritage, c. 1783-1851
isa HIST2065The Tudors: Princes, Politics, and Piety, 1485-1603
isadHIST2073Most Christian Kings: France, 1515-1715
isadHIST2080Voices of the People: Speech, Language and Oral Culture in Early Modern Europe
isa HIST2090Sin in Spanish America, 1571-1700
isadHIST2103Later Victorian England: Politics, Society and Culture
isa HIST2105Medieval Romans and the shape of Afro-Eurasia today
isadHIST2112Jewish Communities in Medieval Europe
isa HIST2115Charles the Great to Alfred the Great: Franks, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in the Ninth Century
isadHIST2117Conquerors and Conquered: England, 1000-1135
isa HIST2135Britain and the Industrial Revolution
isa HIST2140Imperial Germany 1871-1918
isadHIST2170Patient Voices: Medicine and Healthcare in the Middle Ages
isa HIST2220The Body, Disease and Society in Europe, 1500-1750
isa HIST2240Hands on Heritage
isa HIST2260Digital Methods for History, Art and Literature
isadHIST229120th Century Britain: Progress and Uncertainty 1945-1990
isa HIST2301The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, 1921-1993
isa HIST2309Communist Eastern Europe, 1945-89
isa HIST2360Bass Culture in Modern Britain
isadHIST2420Nationalism, Colonialism and 'Religious Violence' in India, 1857-1947
isa HIST2432Lost Colonists: Failure and the Family in Southern Africa, 1880-1939
isadHIST2435The Popular Caribbean: A History
isa HIST2441Race, Gender and Cultural Protest in the US since 1865
isa HIST2442Black Politics from Emancipation to Obama
isa HIST2460Modern Hatreds: The Destruction of Yugoslavia and its Aftermath, 1991-2001
 dHIST2505Archive Intelligence: Unlocking the Archive
  HIST2557Thinking about History
 dHIST2560History on the High Street
isadHIST2565Histories of Black Britain
isadHIST2645The Rise of Modern Japan: From the Meiji Restoration to the Present Day
isadHIST2653American Business History
isadHIST2654Global Business History
isa HIST2658Mao Zedong and Modern China, 1949-Present
isa HIST2710Public Historians: Applied History, People’s History and the Uses of the Past
  HIST2800Documents and Debates in International History
isadHIST2857The Global Cold War
isa HIST2868US Foreign Policy in a Changing World: the End of the Cold War, the Age of Terror, and the Resurgence of a Multipolar Order?
isadHIST2875From Versailles to Potsdam: Conferences, Crises and Conflicts, 1919-45
  HIST2900International History and Politics Long Essay
  HIST3001Conquest, Convivencia and Conflict: Christian and Muslim Spain, 711-1212
  HIST3002Back to School in the Middle Ages: Schools, Teachers and Pupils in north-western Europe 700-1200
  HIST3235Dividing India: The Road to Democracy in South Asia, 1939-1952
  HIST3240The Harlem Renaissance: Black Culture and Politics 1919-1940
isa HIST3251Twentieth Century Southeast Asia: From Empire to Independence
  HIST3270The Third Reich, 1933-1945
  HIST3330Europe in an Age of Total Warfare
  HIST3332The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
  HIST3360Body, Mind and Senses: The Social and Cultural History of Disability in Britain, 1833-1998
  HIST3362American Consumer Society in Historical Perspective
  HIST3370Black British Culture and Black British Cultural Studies
  HIST3382The Cultural History of Venice, 1509-1797
  HIST3390The Soviet Sixties: Politics and Society in the USSR, 1953-1968
  HIST3395The Troubles: The Northern Ireland Conflict, 1968-Present
  HIST3430History Long Essay
  HIST3440The Photographic Age: Photography, Society and Culture in Britain, 1839-1945
  HIST3453The Body in Australian History, 1788-2007
isadHIST3455Consumer Society in Historical Perspective
isa HIST3493War, Regicide and Republic: England, 1642-1660
  HIST3498Early Modern Media: Printing and the People in Europe c.1500-c.1800
  HIST3500History Dissertation
isa HIST3530Mapping the Middle Ages: space and representation from the Pacific to the Atlantic
  HIST3590White Africans: Intimacy, Race and Power
  HIST3650Stalin and Stalinism
  HIST3685Georgians at War
  HIST3687The Later Elizabethan Age: Politics and Empire
  HIST3695The Korean War
isadHIST3710Nazism, Stalinism and the Rise of the Total State
isadHIST3723Apartheid in South Africa: Origins, Impact and Legacy
isa HIST3724Caribbean Identity, Society and Decolonisation
isa HIST3726In the Shadow of Franco: Terror and its Legacy in Spain, 1936-Present Day
isadHIST3728The Breaking of Contemporary Britain: Challenges from the Post-War Period
  HIST3743From Byron to Bin Laden: Transnational War Volunteers
  HIST3747The Iron Lady Abroad: Margaret Thatcher and UK Foreign Policy from 1979
  HIST3760A Revolutionary Century: Resistance, Reform, and Repression in Central America, 1900- present
  HIST3785Europe on the Move: Refugees and Resettlement, 1919-59
isa HIST3790Gender and Slavery in Latin America, 1580-1888
  HIST3800IHP Dissertation
isa HIST3880'Parasites' and 'Cockroaches': Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in the Modern World
  HIST3888The Global Vietnam War
  HIST3930The First World War: A Global Conflict
isadHIST3999Doomed to Failure? European Great Power Politics from Bismarck to the Outbreak of World War I
  HIST9001Study Year Abroad

Institute for Medieval Studies

Contact:Helen Burne
isadMEDV1080Religion and Culture in the Western Middle Ages
isadMEDV2085Medieval Narratives in the Modern World: Nationalism, Terrorism, Popular Culture
isadMEDV3411Medieval Women Mystics: Visionaries, Saints and Heretics
isadMEDV3610The Age of Chivalry: The Idea of Knighthood in Medieval Europe, 1050-1450


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