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2023/24 Selected Undergraduate Module Index

School of Mechanical Engineering

isa MECH1010Computers in Engineering Analysis
  MECH1206Design and Manufacture 1
isa MECH1215Thermofluids 1
isa MECH1230Solid Mechanics
isa MECH1280Engineering Materials
isa MECH1300Introduction to Mechatronics and Robotics
  MECH1310Mechanics for Mechatronics and Robotics
isa MECH1520Engineering Mathematics
  MECH2200Sensors, Actuators and Mechanisms
  MECH2300Design & Manufacture for Mechatronics & Robotics
isa MECH2610Engineering Mechanics
isa MECH2620Vibration and Control
isa MECH2636Design and Manufacture 2
isa MECH2640Economics and Management
isa MECH2650Mechatronics and Measurement Systems
isa MECH2670Thermofluids 2
  MECH3200Structure and Function of the Body
  MECH3225Biomedical Engineering Design
isa MECH3425Automotive Propulsion Systems
isa MECH3450Aerospace Vehicle Design
  MECH3465Robotics and Machine Intelligence
isa MECH3470Vehicle Design and Analysis
isa MECH3496Thermofluids 3
isa MECH3775Additive Manufacturing
isa MECH3790Aerodynamics and Aerospace Propulsion
isa MECH3855Aerospace Flight Mechanics
isa MECH3890Individual Engineering Project
  MECH3895Individual Mechatronics and Robotics Project
isa MECH3900Finite Element Methods of Analysis
  MECH9001Study Abroad Year

Product Design

isa PDES1145Visualisation Techniques
isa PDES1185Contextual Studies and Ergonomics
isa PDES1195Engineering Analysis for Product Designers
isa PDES1365Basic Electronics for Product Design
isa PDES1510Design Studio 1
  PDES2220Design Studio 2
isa PDES2230Creativity in Professional Practice
  PDES2515Design for Manufacture for Product Designers
isa PDES2525Advanced Electronics for Product Design
isa PDES3110Design Project
isa PDES3175Mechanical Systems
  PDES3220Professional and Portfolio Development / Creative Professionals

Taught at Xinan Jiaotong University (Foundation Year)

  XJFY0100English for Engineering
  XJFY0400Scientific Problem Solving
  XJFY1000Engineering Communication Skills
  XJFY2010Engineering Communication Skills 2

Taught by MECH at Xinan Jiaotong University

  XJME1010Computers in Engineering Analysis
  XJME1206Design and Manufacture 1
  XJME1215Thermofluids 1
  XJME1230Solid Mechanics
  XJME1280Engineering Materials
  XJME1520Engineering Mathematics
  XJME2610Engineering Mechanics
  XJME2620Vibration and Control
  XJME2636Design and Manufacture 2
  XJME2640Economics and Management
  XJME2650Mechatronics and Measurement Systems
  XJME2670Thermofluids 2
  XJME3470Vehicle Design and Analysis
  XJME3496Thermofluids 3
  XJME3775Additive Manufacturing
  XJME3890Individual Engineering Project
  XJME3900Finite Element Methods of Analysis


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